Water Security, Sanitation, and Hygiene Fact Sheet

Reliable access to safe water, sanitation, and hygiene saves lives, improves livelihoods, and makes communities more resilient. Investments in water resources management power economies, support agriculture, and safeguard ecosystems. Despite the challenges posed by global pandemics, increased conflict, and climate change, more people have access to safe drinking water, safely managed sanitation services, and basic hygiene services than ever before. USAID works every day with governments, other local stakeholders, and partners to make it possible to achieve universal water and sanitation access by 2030 and a water-secure world forever

USAID’s Vision for Water Security

Under the 2022 U.S. Global Water Strategy,USAID envisions a water-secure world, where people and nations have the water they need to be healthy, prosperous, stable, and resilient. USAID helps partner countries plan, finance, and deliver safe water, sanitation, and hygiene services for the neediest, while sustainably managing water resources. USAID works with countries with both the greatest need for these services and the political will to expand access, engaged private sectors, and favorable conditions for improving the lives of vulnerable populations, especially women and children. For more information on USAID’s water security programming and progress, visit GlobalWaters.org.