Kinds of Easement under Indian Easement Act,1882

Kinds of Easement under Indian Easement Act,1882

Law column

Man is a social animal. He expects assistance and cooperation from every body of the society. He wants that no one should interfere in his property and rights relating to enjoyment of his property. With this concept, the easement has originated. It gives permission and right to enjoyment of the property of its owner and occupant.

Definition of Easement –

According to section 4 of Indian easement Act,1882 , An easement is a right which the owner or occupier of certain land to do and continue to do something or to prevent and continue to prevent something being done in or upon in respect of certain another land not of his own.
Example- ‘A’ is the owner of a property. He will construct something on his land however he cannot construct an object that makes a disturbance to his neighbour in victimization natural facilities like; light-weight , air ,etc,.Getting air and sunlight is ‘B’ s easement .

Essential elements of easement –

Dominant Heritage and servant heritage :- The first essential element of the easement is that there must be a dominant Heritage and servient heritage. The Heritage in which there are some privileges is called dominant heritage and the property of on which some liabilities are imposed is called servient heritage.
Right- in-rem of easement :- it is a right in rem. This right is available not only against servitude but also against the whole world. If any person interference in the east end of the dominant owner, then the dominant owner can file a suit against the person in court.
Easement Negative or Positive:- Easement can be positive or it can be negative. The action of the dominant owner on servitude owner of the property is positive. While prohibiting owner of the spiritual property is a negative easement.
Easement used as the status of power of land or occupant:- The owner of the property must use easement as the status of power. If someone has no property, then there is no issue of the use of easement so easement is attached to land.

Nature And Duration of easement-

According to Section 6 of the Easements Act, 1882, “An easement may be permanent, or for a term of years or other limited period, or subject to periodical interruption, or exercisable solely at an explicit place, or at certain times, or between certain hours, or for a particular purpose, Or on condition that it shall commerce or become void or revocable on the happening of a specific event or the performance or non-performance of a specified Act.”

The nature of easements is described under Section 7 of the Act, 1882 which states that easements are restrictions of one or the other of the following rights, namely:

(a) Exclusive right to enjoy –The prerogative of each owner of immovable Property (subject to any law for the nowadays in force) to relish and lose identical and every one merchandise therefrom and accessions thereto.
(b) Rights to benefits arising from scenario the right of each owner of stabile property (subject to any law for the present in force) to relish while not disturbance by the other natural professionals that arise from its situation.

Kinds of Easement –

There are four different types of easement. According to section 5 of Indian Easement Act , the types easements are –
• Continuous Easement
• Discontinuous Easement
• Apparent Easement
• Non- Apparent Easement

1. Continuous Easement –

2. Discontinuous Easement –

3.Apparant Easement :-

4.Non-Apparent Easement –

An Easement may be

Conclusion –

Whenever Immovable Property is involved , there are certain rights linked to the enjoyment of such property , without these rights , such properties might not be simply and absolutely held and enjoyed. Such rights are referred to as Easements.
So there are essentially 4 types of easement under Indian Easement Act, 1882 , the Continuous and discontinuous , apparent and non – apparent easement.

Author: Kajal Bind,
Prayag Vidhi Mahavidyalaya (Allahabad State University) 2nd year, BA.LLB