Frequently asked questions (FAQ) in Georgia

Get the information you need for your health insurance in Georgia. Find answers to frequently asked questions about claims, benefits, doctors, emergency care, and more. Members can log in to start a Live Chat with us.

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Account and Caregiver Access

I’m not the primary account holder, but I’d like to have access to plan information from the online account for my spouse, partner, and dependents. How do I do that?

The only way you can have access to plan information from the online account is to ask the primary account holder, also known as subscriber, for access. Once the subscriber gives you access, you will be able to view plan level information (like Deductible) from the online account.

What will a caregiver be able to do with access to my online account?

Once they’ve set up an account, they will be able to view, update and manage claims and benefit information as well as manage other features on your online account on your behalf.

How long will a caregiver have access to my online account information?

Caregivers have access for one year. Each year access has to be set up again for security purposes. You can change access settings at any time.

I’m a caregiver for a member, how do I get access to their online account information?

The only way a caregiver can get access to a member’s plan information is to ask the primary account holder, also known as subscriber, for access. Once the subscriber gives you caregiver access, you will be able to view, update and manage online account information on their behalf. You can also contact Customer Service using the number on the back of the member’s ID card for help.

I have health care power of attorney for a member, how do I get access to their online account information?

If you are the health care power of attorney and need to access online account information for a member, you will need to contact Customer Service using the number on the back of the member’s ID card for help.

I am a guardian caregiver for an underage member with a child-only policy. How do I get access to their plan information via online account to help them?

If you are a guardian caregiver and need to access online account information for an underage member, you will need to contact Customer Service using the number on the back of the member’s ID card for help.

Alternative Languages

How can I get Language Assistance?

It’s important to have what you need to use your health plan. You deserve simple, straight-forward plan details, no matter what language you speak.

Behavioral Health Resource Center

What can I do when I am getting a browser error when I’m trying to access myStrength on Internet Explorer?

In order to access the myStrength website, you will need to have Internet Explorer 8 (IE8) or newer. If you have IE7 (or IE8 in compatibility mode for IE7), you can: