How to Upload and Share Files in Canvas

The Files index page houses uploaded course files, syllabi, readings, or other documents, as well as profile pictures and user-specific files. Instructors can lock folders and files so they can only be viewed by direct links or only unlock on a specific date.

Uploaded files can be placed in Modules, Assignments, or Pages for access by students.

When would I use Files as an Instructor?

Within a course, typically the Files index page is kept as instructor-access only. Students can be given access to individual files by including the specific file or files in a Module, Assignment, or Page. The Files index page can be a useful organizational tool for instructors, however. Within the Files index page, you can:

Screenshot of file list in Canvas for uploading and sharing.

If you are using the Usage Rights feature option, you can also set usage rights for files and folders.

Files Help for Instructors

Uploading Files

Managing Files

Viewing and Downloading Files

Files Help for Students