Concrete Waterproofing- Types, Steps, and Advantages

Cementitious Waterproofing

But since it is used in internal wet areas like toilets and bathrooms, it is not exposed to sunlight and weathering. Thus expansion and contraction process will not take place in cementitious waterproofing.

2. Liquid Waterproofing Membrane

Liquid membrane is a thin coating that usually consists of a primer coat and then two coats of liquid waterproof which are applied by spray or roller. It offers more flexibility than the cementitious type of waterproofing by forming a rubbery coating on the applied surface.

Liquid Waterproofing Membrane

The durability of the waterproofing depends on the type of polymer used for the making of the liquid waterproofing. Liquid membrane composes of polymer modified asphalt. Polyurethane liquid membranes are also used for waterproofing.

3. Bituminous Coating

Bituminous coating is flexible and protective which is also called asphalt coating. It is a very good protective coating and waterproofing agent, especially on surfaces of concrete foundations. Bituminous coating is made of bitumen based material and it is not suitable for exposure to sunlight. It becomes very brittle and fragile due to long exposure to sunlight.

Bituminous Coating

4. Bituminous Membrane

Bituminous membrane waterproofing is a popular method used for low sloped roofs. The bituminous membrane has a torch on the membrane and self-adhesive membrane.

Self-adhesive compounds comprise asphalt, polymers, and filler. The self-adhesive type has a low shelf life as bonding properties of the membrane reduces with time. It is a mixed substance made up of organic liquids that are highly sticky, viscous, and waterproof.

Torch-on Bituminous Membrane

Torch-on membrane uses a fire touch to melt the bituminous layer on the member for bonding.

5. Admixtures

For the past years, a new type of waterproofing has been used around the world. These admixtures are added at the batching plant or on the site and it will react chemically within the concrete which turns the concrete itself into a water barrier. Integral concrete waterproofing systems can be Densifiers, water repellents or crystalline admixtures.

6. Crystalline Admixtures

Crystalline based systems typically come in a dry powder form. Crystalline systems actually use available water to grow crystals inside the concrete, effectively by closing the pathways for moisture that can damage concrete itself the water barrier.

Crystalline Admixtures

Steps Involved in WaterProofing

Step 1: Surface Preparation

Clean the surface thoroughly free from loose materials, dust, and oil. Surface cleaning plays a very important role in all membrane based waterproofing coating systems.

Step 2: Application of Primary Coat

Apply a primary coat to prime the surface of the structure. Solvent-based or water-based primers are suitable for bitumen membranes.

Step 3: Unrolling the Membrane Sheets

Checking for the correct alignment and adjust the sheets wherever required and unrolls the sheets on the surface of the structure.

Step 4: Heating the Membranes

Heat with the torch the burn off film present at the underside face of the membrane. Now the membrane will ready for bonding with the underlying concrete surface.

Step 5: Pressing the Membrane

Press the membrane firmly ensuring proper bonding with the surface of the concrete. Additional care has to be taken for the overlaps, edges and angles to make sure proper bonding.

Advantages of WaterProofing

Disadvantages of WaterProofing

Read More:

  1. Waterproofing of Toilets – Methods, Materials, and Procedure
  2. Roof Waterproofing Using Bituminous Waterproofing Membrane Sheet
  3. Using Liquid Waterproofing Membrane For Waterproofing Concrete Structures